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General Donations
Credit Cards
One time donations can be made via Square. (Click Below)
One time and ongoing monthly payments can be made via Paypal.
(Click on Donate Button)
Make payable to Holy Resurrection Monastery. Please indicate when making your gift by check if you wish to restrict the donation to a specific fund. Unrestricted donations will be applied to the General Fund.
Holy Resurrection Monastery
300 S. 2nd Ave.
P.O. Box 276
St. Nazianz, WI 54232
Other Donations
Please also consider gifts of stock and other property, as well as remembering us in your estate planning. For assistance in this please contact Fr. Maximos, the Monastery Economos (Treasurer) or Abbot Nicholas.
As always, your donations to the monastery are tax deductible according to law.
Holy Resurrection Monastery is a religious non-profit 501(c)3 corporation.
Federal Tax ID: 943220646.